Buddy L Museum seeking to purchase your Buddy L Jr dump truck or green Buddy L Jr oil tanker regardless of condition Black Rare
Buddy L Jr Dump truck with red dump bed, green 1931 Buddy L Jr Oil tanker with two filler caps, 1930 Blue Gray Buddy L Jr Dairy
truck marked Buddy L Quality Toys, Red Buddy L Jr air mail truck with plated bumper w/ headlights, 24" 1930 Buddy L Jr dray line
truck with closed cab and spoke wheels We're the country's leading buyer of Buddy L outdoor railroad trains & any Buddy L Flivver.
Contact us with all your antique toy trucks and Buddy L Toys for sale regardless of condition. We're also interested in buying antique
Sturditoy toy truck and all antique Buddy L toys Buying single Buddy L toys or entire collections Email the Buddy L Museum today
Know The Facts Before Selling Your Vintage Toys

The Buddy L Junior Line was introduced in 1928 and offered through 1932. Like the Buddy L bus, these trucks are generic in origin, not representing
any specific historical truck. All of the Buddy L Jr's are about 24 inches long, 8 inches high, and 7 3/4 inches wide These Juniors have 2 inch steering
wheel with 3 inch black rubber tires marked Firestone dual wheels are mounted on the rear axles These toy trucks have the spindle type front steering
Originally, these Juniors were cheaper than the deluxe "S" series trucks of the same 1929-1933 period, three to four dollars cheaper. Clearly Buddy L
was offering a new line that would be price competitive in the Depression market. Buddy L's new market approach, what was for them a cheaper line
was a desperate attempt to keep the company afloat. The retail market was simply awful. Buddy L also had some very high retooling costs to recover
costs that nearly put the company out of business. If you have a Buddy L Jr Dump truck or Buddy L Dray truck for sale contact us free toy appraisals
Buddy L Toy Museum specializing in
old tin robots toys & vintage Buddy L
scarce trucks ~ Accurate fast antique
appraisals. Always paying 45% - 85%
more than toy shows, auctions & ebay
Vintage Buddy L Toys wanted in any
condition Whether you have a Buddy
L Pile Driver or entire set of Buddy l
truck our museum will pay you more
than anybody in the country email us
Direct inquires to Toys@BuddyLMuseum.com include seven
pix & brief description of your buddy l toys for sale presently
seeking Buddy L toy trains, Buddy L Cars, Flivver trucks and
Toys including Jr series dump truck, oil tanker and all vintage
Buddy L & sturditoy truck appraisals Japan tin robots wanted
Buddy L Museum is America's leading buyers of Sturditoy Trucks and Sturditoy toy catalogs Always paying 40% - 85% more than
antique dealers, eBay and private collectors Contact us for more details. Helping collectors since 1968. Absolute Highest Prices Paid
Buying all Buddy L Jr series trucks including the Buddy L Flivver series cars and all large Buddy L Outdoor Railroad Cars and Toys
We're America's leading
authority on Buddy L
Flivver cars and the rare
Buddy L pile driver with or
without weight.
If you have a Buddy L Jr dump
truck or Flivver contact us for a
price quote.
Pile driver made by
Buddy L needed,
contact our museum
with any Buddy L
pile driver for sale
Flivver toys
Fivver car
Buddy L pile driver wanted any condition. Buying all Buddy L toys and trucks manufactured before 1939 Contact us with
good original condition Buddy L Jr dairy truck wanted. Also buying any Buddy L Jr dump truck or fire truck w/ orig paint
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Toy Appraisals
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EMail photos of all
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Antique buddy l cars similar to keystone toy
truck paint variations. Buddy l toy truck
appraisals Keystone toy truck appraisals
Keystone toy trucks wanted keystone cars needed
Free Toy Appraisals ~ Antique Buddy L Trucks ~ Vintage
Japanese Space Toys. Know all the facts. Your toys could
be worth a small fortune Contact the Buddy L Museum for
a free confidential evaluation Buddy L Trucks, Space Toys
Japan tin appraisal
Japanese Tin Space Toys & Robots Wanted Free Appraisals
Antique Buddy L Toys Free Appraisals Highest Prices Paid
Buddy L Jr Dump Truck ~ Jr Oil Tanker ~ Free Appraisals
1931 Buddy L Jr Dump Truck
Free Appraisals
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